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Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, February 15, 2013, Vol. 82, No. 2

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We investigated the effects of H2 hindered rotation on orthopara (op) H2 conversion. To clarify the adsorption properties of H2 on Ag(111), we performed first-principles calculations based on spin-polarized density functional theory (DFT) with DFT-D2 method. We calculated the wave functions of nuclei of H2 from potential energy curves of H2 on Ag(111). From these results, we found that non-negligible out-of-plane potential anisotropy with a perpendicular orientation preference exists even on non-corrugated Ag(111). We also clarified that op H2 conversion is enhanced by H2 hindered rotation on Ag(111). This enhancement is induced by electron transfer from the surface to H2 with the perpendicular orientation preference.

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