J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 25, pp. 21-36 (1968) [16 Pages]

Breakup of Deuteron by Impact of Alpha Particle and Deuteron

+ Affiliations
1Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

The D (α, p α) n and D ( d , p d ) n reactions were studied by using 29.2 MeV alpha particles and 14.6 MeV deuterons respectively. Coincidence energy spectra of two charged particles emitted from each reaction were measured at coplanar and non-coplaner angles. The energy spectra of the D (α, p α) n reaction indicate the effect of the resonance between nucleons and alpha particles corresponding to the He 5 and Li 5 ground state and show at some angles broad peaks for spectator neutrons with zero energy. The energy spectrum of the D ( d , p d ) n reaction shows only one broad peak for spectator neutrons. The impulse approximation calculations represent fairly well both the energy spectra and the angular dependence. It is concluded that the deuteron breakup mechanism is to occur through the quasi-free scattering of an incident particle from a nucleon in the deuteron.

©1968 The Physical Society of Japan
