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J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 45, pp. 1-6 (1978) [6 Pages]

Photoproduction of Negative Pions from Carbon in the Energy Range between 510 MeV and 750 MeV

Cited by

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  4. K. Shoda, H. Ohashi, and K. Nakahara, Nuclear Physics A, 1980. Electroproduction of π+ from 12C leading to low-lying residual states in 12B. 350 (3-4), 377 - 395 Crossref.
  5. F. Ajzenberg-Selove, and C.L. Busch, Nuclear Physics A, 1980. Energy levels of light nuclei A = 11–12. 336 (1), 1 - 154 Crossref.
  6. E. J. Winhold, 1979. Photopion Physics — An Experimental Overview. , 19 - 49 Crossref.