J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 26, pp. 143-148 (1969) [6 Pages]

Identification of Dislocations in NaF Crystals by Electrolytic Coloration and Chemical Etching

+ Affiliations
1Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute

Several states of dislocations in nominally pure NaF single crystals are identified by means of two different techniques. The electrolytic coloration is caused by formation of metal Na colloidal particles, which decorate dislocations in the NaF. The chemical etchings, with two different etchants, reveal the dislocations of different characteristics. The two techniques are proposed as the methods for definite observation of the dislocations. The phenomena related to slip, climb and precipitation in the early stage are discussed in connection with the observed dislocations.

©1969 The Physical Society of Japan
